
Dog sitting looking up at camera.

Your Guess Is as Bad as Mine

As Zola accepted pats from a group of little kids, one of the parents asked, “What kind of dog is she?” “German shepherd mix.” He tilted his head and studied her. “Yeah, I can see that.” If you own a dog, especially a mutt, you’ve had a conversation—or fifty—like this. Your dog is a conversation…

Dog with shepherd markings making puppy eyes at person.

Canine ESP

Does your dog head for the door half a beat before you decide it’s time to go for a walk? Does it seem like your dog is reading your mind? Dogs and humans didn’t co-evolve for thousands of years for nothing. Dogs sometimes appear to know what we’re going to do before we do. But…

Close-up of cat with yellow eyes and white markings.

Cat People

I’ll start this article about cats with a dog: Jamie, my childhood dog. The dog of dogs. I could wrap my arms around him and hug or wrestle. I could use him as a pillow. A thick-coated shepherd-collie mix, he treated me as his personal charge. When we kids swam, he patrolled the pool edge…

Line drawing of a cat sitting.

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